Arduino Project 026 - Dual Servo Control
This project you’ll create another simple project, but this time you’ll control two servos using commands from the serial monitor. You learned about serial control in Project 10 when you were changing the colors on an RGB lamp with serial commands. So let’s cannibalize the code from Project 10 to make this one.
Project 26 Dual Servo Control
/* Coding Ron Wang Nov.14th 2024 Autaba support for coding hardware Project 26 Dual Servo Control */ #include <Servo.h> char buffer[10]; Servo servo1; // Create a servo object Servo servo2; // Create a second servo object void setup() { servo1.attach(5); // Attaches the servo on pin 5 to the servo1 object servo2.attach(6); // Attaches the servo on pin 6 to the servo2 object Serial.begin(9600); Serial.flush(); servo1.write(90); // Put servo1 at home position servo2.write(90); // Put servo2 at home postion Serial.println("STARTING..."); } void loop() { if (Serial.available() > 0) { // Check if data has been entered int index=0; delay(100); // Let the buffer fill up int numChar = Serial.available(); // Find the string length if (numChar>10) { numChar=10; } while (numChar--) { // Fill the buffer with the string buffer[index++] =; } splitString(buffer); // Run splitString function } } void splitString(char* data) { Serial.print("Data entered: "); Serial.println(data); char* parameter; parameter = strtok (data, " ,"); //String to token while (parameter != NULL) { // If we haven't reached the end of the string... setServo(parameter); // the setServo function parameter = strtok (NULL, " ,"); } // Clear the text and serial buffers for (int x=0; x<9; x++) { buffer[x]='\0'; } Serial.flush(); } void setServo(char* data) { if ((data[0] == 'L') || (data[0] == 'l')) { int firstVal = strtol(data+1, NULL, 10); // String to long integer firstVal = constrain(firstVal,0,180); // Constrain values servo1.write(firstVal); Serial.print("Servo1 is set to: "); Serial.println(firstVal); } if ((data[0] == 'R') || (data[0] == 'r')) { int secondVal = strtol(data+1, NULL, 10); // String to long integer secondVal = constrain(secondVal,0,255); // Constrain the values servo2.write(secondVal); Serial.print("Servo2 is set to: "); Serial.println(secondVal); } }