> RonWang 第25页

RonWang 管理员
308 篇文章 0 次评论构建核心团队,打造高端品牌—记中国机械设计领域领军人物王旭东
丙烯腈丁二烯 Acrylonitrile-Butadiene (NBR)
itrile rubber (NBR) is the general term for acrylonitrile butadiene copolymer.The acrylonitrile cont...
Hydraulic hose - SAE standards SAE 100R1 hose should be used with petroleum- and wate...
ASTM: 橡胶材料标准
ASTM's rubber standards are instrumental in specifying, testing, and assessing the physical, mec...
ISO Standard:Hoses and hose assembliesISO creates documents that provide requirements, specific...
Parker Polyflex 2440P-04V32 HT-P Hydrogen Hose
Hannover Messe 2019; 1 - 5 April; Hannover Fairground; IAMD, Hall 23, Booth C33; ComVac, H...
In the sealing industry, we follow a basic design scheme to help us determine what the best seal for...
O 形圈的历史
While the mechanical o-ring is a very simple item, and hidden to most people, it has grown to become...
Niels Christensen perfected and patented the o-ring. An o-ring is a solid rubber se...