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Arduino Project 007 - Pulsating Lamp

RonWang6个月前 (07-02)电子编程92

You are now going try a more advanced method of controlling LEDs. So far, you have simply turned the LED on or off. Would you like to adjust the brightness of an LED? Can you do that with an Arduino? Yes, you can. Time to go back to basics.

项目7 调节LED灯的亮度Project 7 - Pulsating lamp

001 LED Blink Circuit

/* Coding Ron Wang
   July 2nd 2024
   Autaba support for coding hardware
// Project 7 - Pulsating lamp
int ledPin = 10;
float sinVal;
int ledVal;
void setup() {
 pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
 for (int x=0; x<180; x++) {
 // convert degrees to radians then obtain sin value
 sinVal = (sin(x*(3.1412/180)));
 ledVal = int(sinVal*255);
 analogWrite(ledPin, ledVal);



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