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Arduino Project 009 - LED Fire Effect

RonWang5个月前 (07-16)电子编程150

Project 9 will use LEDs and a flickering random light effect, via PWM again, to mimic the effect of a flickering flame. If you place these LEDs inside a house on a model railway, for example, you can make it look like the house is on fire, or you can use it in a fireplace in your house instead of wood logs. This is a simple example of how LEDs can be used to create special effects for movies, stage plays, model dioramas, model railways, etc.

 项目 9 Project 9 – LED Fire Effect

/* Coding Ron Wang
   July 16th 2024
   Autaba support for coding hardware
// Project 9 - LED Fire Effect
int ledPin1 = 8;
int ledPin2 = 9;
int ledPin3 = 10;
void setup()
 pinMode(ledPin1, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(ledPin2, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(ledPin3, OUTPUT);
void loop()
 analogWrite(ledPin1, random(120)+135);
 analogWrite(ledPin2, random(120)+135);
 analogWrite(ledPin3, random(120)+135);



标签: Arduino


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