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RonWang3年前 (2021-11-10)638
本文将介绍在Centos下面底删除文件夹、文件命令(centos 新建、删除、移动、复制等命令:01.新建文件夹mkdir 文件名新建一个名为test的文件夹在home下view sourc...


RonWang3年前 (2021-11-09)714

Arduino UNO Mp3音乐播放代码

RonWang3年前 (2021-11-05)1007
Arduino UNO Mp3音乐播放代码
Arduino UNO Mp3音乐播放代码今天我们将使用Arduino UNO 和SD卡制作音乐播放器。这个播放器不需要添加多余的模块,只需要SD读卡器和Arduino UNO开发板就可以播放音频文件...

Books Exploring Arduino

RonWang3年前 (2021-11-03)2083
Books Exploring Arduino
Exploring Arduino uses the popular Arduino microcontroller platform as an instrument to teach topics...

50 Best Flying Quotes, Phrases & Sayings That Take Flight

RonWang3年前 (2021-11-01)1278
50 Best Flying Quotes, Phrases & Sayings That Take Flight
Flying feels like freedom, away from the city’s daily hustle and bustle, almost as calm as meditatio...

Aero Modeling Simulator Phoenix RC 航模模拟器凤凰链接

RonWang3年前 (2021-09-25)1431
Aero Modeling Simulator Phoenix RC 航模模拟器凤凰链接
我推荐新手玩家先安凤凰PhoenixRC4.0的软件练手,凤凰PhoenixRC熟悉之后,RealFlight的软件才更容易上手的 。问题自然就少了,凤凰的软件安装比较简单,,操作也比较易懂的,他的模...

AirPlane Model 航模配置入门

RonWang3年前 (2021-09-15)997
AirPlane Model 航模配置入门
RC航模配置入门学习,本文主要介绍在中国大陆市场上,各种RC航模配件的价格,参数及相关的产品。该价格主要是2021年9月到2022年9月期间的价格。大疆大疆 DJI NAZA LITE 哪吒 多旋翼G...


RonWang3年前 (2021-09-05)5134

Agilicious:Open-source and open-hardware agile quadrotor for vision-based flight

RonWang3年前 (2021-09-03)635
Agilicious:Open-source and open-hardware agile quadrotor for vision-based flight
AbstractAutonomous, agile quadrotor flight raises fundamental challenges for robotics research in te...

DOE Technical Targets for Onboard Hydrogen Storage for Light-Duty Vehicles

RonWang3年前 (2021-09-02)712
DOE Technical Targets for Onboard Hydrogen Storage for Light-Duty Vehicles
DOE Technical Targets for Onboard Hydrogen Storage for Light-Duty VehiclesThis table summarizes tech...