> RonWang 第5页

RonWang 管理员
308 篇文章 0 次评论Arduino Project 019 - LED Dot Matrix Display - Basic Animation
So far you have dealt with individual 5mm LEDs. LEDs can also be obtained in a package known as a do...
Arduino Project 018 - Dual Shift Register 8-Bit Binary Counter
In Project 18, you will daisy chain (or cascade) another 74HC595 IC onto the one used in Project 17...
Arduino Project 017 - Shift Register 8-Bit Binary Counter
In this project, you’re going to use additional ICs (Integrated Circuits) in the form of shift regis...
Arduino Project 016 - L293D Motor Driver IC
In the previous project, you used a transistor to control the motor. In this project, you are going...
Arduino Project 015 - Simple Motor Control
First, you’re going to simply control the speed of a DC motor in one direction, using a power transi...
Arduino Project 014 - Light Sensor
This project introduces a new component known as a Light Dependent Resistor, or LDR. As the name imp...
Arduino Project 013 - Piezo Knock Sensor
A piezo disc works when an electric current is passed over the ceramic material in the disc, causing...
Arduino Project 012 - Piezo Sounder Melody Player
Rather than using the piezo to make annoying alarm sounds, why not use it to play a melody? You are...
Arduino Project 011 - Piezo Sounder Alarm
Arduino project - sounder and sensors : Include project 11 Piezo Sounder Alarm ,Project piezo sounde...
Arduino Project 010 - Serial Controlled Mood Lamp
For Project 10, you will revisit the circuit from Project 8 — RGB Mood Lamp, but you’ll now delve in...